Beast Mode

Training Insights

The aerobic oxygen carrying capacity and strength you are chasing evolves, breathes and expands in the space you create for it.

For Ironman or indeed, any real endurance event, nearly all of our work is built around sub threshold, tempo and aerobic work. You shouldn't be redlining, compressing and straining.

So, regardless of what the power meter or Garmin is reading, keep the load and pace feeling free at sub threshold.

The numbers can't read your body's response, they can only read the output. Feel it out first and then let the numbers be the background!

Here’s one of the keys that most don’t recognise with the sub threshold work: focus on your invitation to the next moment, and keep sending it out.

Stay with what you want, stay in the not knowing, let it unfold and see if you can resist the temptation to control everything.

The aerobic oxygen carrying capacity and strength you are chasing evolves, breathes and expands in the space you create for it. It does not respond to compression, demands and forcing.

This is where our capacity to measure has become a little bit of a liability. We need the data to create space, not compression.

Chasing numbers has its place for sure, but in the realm of sub threshold work, we need to feel it out, inviting oxygen to it, relaxing into it as much as possible.

The invitation you send out to that next moment is the key to the whole thing.

When push comes to shove during races, it’s as much about your ability to relax as it is about your output. It’s your psychological space that creates the physical output, energy in, energy out, baby.

The invitation and the space it creates is the input. The result of that, including the measurement, is the output.

Don’t put the cart before the horse.Create space, invite the relaxation and the oxygen to the table, and you will become the aerobic beast you dream about.

I am currently offering a 3month coaching trial at 25% off. If you are interested you can DM me here:

Gilesy 🙌