Monthly Newsletter - May 2024


Welcome to May.

As we move into the cooler months, I'm always reminded how critical winter is to the success of our summers. I'd go as far as saying winter is more important. The more aerobic strength focus we can bring to the table, the more we can relax into our racing in summer, you should be able to sharpen the blade in summer, reduce volume and leave space to perform. Often we get it backwards, chasing form in summer months when we should be focusing on racing skills. The video this months covers off that aspect.

Coaching, Mentoring, Mental Skills

In my own coaching journey, I have started to work with a professional MMA fighter on mental skills. I'm loving the little collaborations forming with other sports as my work crosses the boarders of sport. The foundations of mental resilience have absolutely no boundaries. I'm struck by the professionalism and the obvious lack of ego in combat sports and gymnastics etc. I feel like the true work ethic that it takes to perform at that level is so humbling that there is no real room for ego.

I am lucky enough to be meeting some great people, and in an amusing twist, no one I work with wants anyone to know, that being the nature of professional sport and the power of the unseen mental battles we all face.

man in black tank top and blue denim jeans standing beside man in black tank top
Photo by Derrick Treadwell / Unsplash

This month I am super honoured to be sent a copy of “Tapestry of Gymnastics” by long time coach, Inductee to the USA Gymnastics hall of fame, and good friend Mary Wright. The writing and mental skills work is slowly but surely moving me into new frontiers, collaborations and friendships. Very Grateful.

Thank you Mary.

Triathlon Racing

Ironman Australia

Campbell Wallace finished 3rd in the 18-24 Cat. Things certainly didn’t go to plan with a bike mechanical and cramps on the run but he stayed mentally strong posting a big PB regardless. It's a real process for young athletes at ironman and best practise is always a slow burn progress model. Cam is doing well, is consistent and committed, watch out for a lot more.

Campbell Wallace’s Journey to Breaking 5 Hours in an Ironman 70.3
Young triathlete Campbell Wallace overcomes challenges to break 5 hours in 70.3, fuelled by focused training and coaching.

David Arnold looked composed all day and in control. He finished 5th in the 60-64 Cat. David’s consistency is giving him the resilience to back up very well with no injuries in the lead up. His next outing is Cairns 70.3.

David Arnold’s Inspirational Journey in Triathlon: From Fitness Enthusiast to Ironman Success
At 60+, David Arnold, coached by Grant Giles, transforms from a fitness enthusiast to an Ironman success, showcasing mental and physical mastery.

Port Macqurie 70.3

John Hallis has been super busy on the road with KU bikes and has done little training compared to normal. Still, he managed a great day he really enjoyed and was very consistent posting 11th place and a 6:07 in 60-64 Cat.

Rob Pearce had his first race back after a long break from racing. He went 5:33 in 55-59 and it was great to see him in great condition after the race.

Busselton 100 Long Course

A big shout out to Joel Nicholson who raced to a sub 4 hour time in Busselton 100 and a 4th place in the 18-24 Cat. Joel is a young guy on the way up and has a big engine, one to watch. Joel is under John Hallis TTSL coaching group who I am lucky enough to work with.

James Corbett ITU Circuit

I have been working with a young Kiwi ITU athlete on the embodiment of his process and mental resilience. Watching this young guy come into his masculine power has been inspirational. Now just off the podium with a 4th place in Australia and another 4th place at the Asia Triathlon Cup in China. His grounded confidence is growing. Next up ITU Osaka Japan.

One on One Zoom Performance Sessions

I am open to mentoring, mental skill, including goal setting, intension setting, ritual grounding habits for performance and the management of the discomfort that comes with any performance driven process, including the workplace and indeed, day to day life habits.

Please reach out with any questions. You can read more about the sessions here:

Psychology for Athletes
Grant helps athletes fast track their way to sporting goals through mental strategies and support.

May Video

In this episode, We are exploring the nature of a truly great summer season, which comes from a consistent winter.

Key takeaways from this video:

  • Winter is the foundation that you create that serves great summer strength
  • Do the work in winter so can spend summer sharpening, instead of chasing the form you should already have.
  • Technique is king now. While the sessions are more aerobic and there is space, now is the time to zero in your form.
  • Weakness left is strength abandoned. Right now while you are racing less is the perfect time to address any weakness in your game.
  • Oxygen carrying capacity should be in your lens right now in these winter months. While you have the space work on your aerobic speed.
Aerobic Speed
This pillar is super simple. Imagine how fast you could go at your top end speed if you could already go at a relatively fast pace at your aerobic level: this is totally trainable and achievable if and only if you can nurture your ego enough to develop your aerobic
Aerobic Strength
You want to be better, right? Well, I am going to give you my top 10 areas for continued progression and development in sport. Sport specific strength When your body is redlining on race day and your ability to keep going is being tested, trust me, it is not your

If this video resonated with you, please consider subscribing. Your support goes a long way in helping more athletes and coaches gain clarity in their journey. Don't forget to give a thumbs up and share it with others who might benefit from these insights.

Thank you for your time and dedication. Here's to mastering the journey. Embrace every step, every challenge, and every triumph.


If you go back to each defining moment in your life, you would see a pattern. In my own reflections of my coaching career I can see that all great performances were created through allowing space. Allowing athletes to be themselves, being authentically myself as a coach, staying out of ego and remaining with what is in each moment. My greatest lesson as coach and human is this:

Invite it to be as it is and you will be in sync with that happens. Send the invitation over and over again and make that habitual and ritualistic.

Purposeful Intent
You are going to need to re-connect and re-remember your why over and over again to make that habit an automatic action.


The Youtube channel is now active and I will be adding to this as we move along creating a knowledge base for our athletes to access. We know that 80% of the messaging in the body is moving body to brain, with only 20% moving brain to body. In this sense the process is an embodiment rather an embrainment. I plan to cover all the bases, physical, mental and the emotional aspects of this great sport.

Grant Giles: Mindful Athletic Mastery
Dive into the crossroads of athletic prowess and mental strength with Grant Giles. With deep roots in High-Performance Triathlon Coaching and insights from Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy, Grant illuminates the often overshadowed mental and spiritual aspects of athleticism. This ch…


The library is growing. Once again broken into three main catagories; Mental skills, Racing Insights and Training Insights.

Grant Giles is a high-performance triathlon coach, podcaster and mental skills coach.

Work with Grant

I am currently taking athletes. If you want to just chew the fat and have a chat about any of the options, please just reach out for a free, no strings attached chat.

Also, as a fully qualified and insured as a clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist I am doing one on one mindfulness and mental prep sessions in all sports as well as sessions for general well being and mental health.

Work with Grant
Grant Giles, a Level-3 High Performance Coach, offers personalised triathlon coaching with a strong focus on mental resilience.

Reach out

If you have any areas you'd like me to cover in vids or blogs, reach out and speak out.

Until next month, train safe.

