When the noisy mental desperation of this goal gives way to its reality, you are left in its void. The sound of your footfall, your breath, the sense of your beating heart, and its raw quietness.
We don’t train for truth, we train for a lie…
The lie is the noise we fill our heads and hearts with and the lie is a fractured disempowerment.
The noise that infects our minds with doubt and fear, and the structures that we use to prepare are an avoidance, rather than a invitation.
We train in fear rather than power!
Most people train to avoid failure rather than to invite success..
If you want to invite your success, it’s waiting for you in your own truth. If you want to invite truth, you have to let go of fear. Because that is not who you are.
When push comes to shove, the noise fractures and becomes stillness. Most people love racing because the noise finally gives way to the stillness of the truth.
When your mind gives up the constant strategising and let's go into the power of the present moment.
Now and only now, does your power meet the truth of this moment.
Now and only now can you channel your truth into your performance.
So, why don’t we train for the power of truth?
Ask yourself, how much of the time am I truly present with my training?
You can’t strangle the truth with a strategy. It doesn’t matter how thorough that strategy is, if you are not present it won't work.
The real issue is that we try to secure reality with training strategies that have their roots in fear.
Fear is not motivation, it’s avoidance, non-acceptance and resistance. A sheep dressed in wolf's clothing.
Rather than bringing a deep present listening to our bodies, we bring a deep distrust.
Farming out our own present intelligence to measure it and have it returned to us in data.
So here is the truth:
In the moment of truth, the real measure of that will be your ability to not leave that moment, regardless of what it brings.
Train for that!