Merry Christmas and welcome to the December newsletter. Having just returned from Busselton Ironman and witnessing the continuing tumbling of barriers we once thought would never be broken is inspirational. Watching athletes break 4hours for 180kms. Lisa Nordon riding a stunning female 4:21 bike time and the male winner Dane Daniel Baekkegard running a 2:37 into a strong head wind shows just how quickly the bar is shifting.
One thing that will never shift though is the need to do the appropriate work at the appropriate time. Times are being effected by the shift in technology and nutritional advancements, but it's still down to what is inside you when the chips are down that will ultimately count. It's not only about what you do physically, but how you deal with the discomfort and the pain.
Here's a vid that goes into more detail.
I was reflecting while at ironman that it had been 29 years since my first pro race in 1994. I now see my own pro career and the struggles in it as the segue to my real purpose for being here, which is coaching in all its forms. We often have this idea that failure is final. It is nothing of the sort.
As Winston Churchill famously put it, "Success is not final, and failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts". You just never know what gifts the toughest of lessons are bringing to you.

Trizone Contributions
I am now consistently writing for Trizone regarding all things triathlon and mindset. You can catch those tips and tricks on the link below as they differ from my own blogs. Trizone is also a great source of expert writers and a fantastic news resource on the state of play of our great sport.

Race Course Analysis
I am now doing race reviews and course analysis to help our athletes and subscribers. links to the latest are below.

The Youtube channel is now active and I will be adding to this as we move along creating a knowledge base for our athletes to access. We know that 80% of the messaging in the body is moving body to brain, with only 20% moving brain to body. In this sense the process is an embodiment rather an embrainment. I plan to cover all the bases, physical, mental and the emotional aspects of this great sport.
The library is growing. Once again broken into three main catagories; Mental skills, Racing Insights and Training Insights.
Work with Grant
I am currently taking athletes. If you want to just chew the fat and have a chat about any of the options, please just reach out for a free, no strings attached chat.
Also, as a fully qualified and insured as a clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist I am doing one on one mindfulness and mental prep sessions in all sports as well as sessions for general well being and mental health.

Reach out
If you have any areas you'd like me to cover in vids or blogs, reach out and speak out.
Merry Christmas and a happy new to all subscribers and their families.
Until next month, train safe and keep frothing.